Policyholder support information
Changing your policy details
We can amend your name, address, date of birth and payment details. If you wish to make any amendments please contact us.
Where can I find my policy or reference number?
Your policy or reference number can be found on your policy documentation sent to you at the start of your cover, or on your bank statement.
Changing your payment date
Your payment date was pre-issued when you applied for cover, however, you can contact us to choose your payment date.
Missed payment
If we receive notification of a missed payment we will write to you to let you know. Your cover will continue if you provide us with a valid payment instruction within 14 days of the letter date. Please note that your policy will be cancelled after this time.
Paying annually
When you applied, you were asked for your monthly payment details. However, you can contact us to change your payment details to annual if you wish.
Making a claim
If you need to make a claim on your policy please contact us for a claim form and visit our How to claim section for next steps.
Cancelling a policy
Please contact us if you wish to cancel your policy and refer to your Policy Documents for details.
Making a complaint
We aim to provide you with great customer service but sometimes things can go wrong. If you wish to make a complaint please contact us.
If you are not satisfied with the way in which we have dealt with your complaint, the Financial Ombudsman Service may review the complaint if referred to them by you. There is no charge for this service. Write to them at Financial Ombudsman Service ltd, Exchange Tower, London E14 9GE. Call them on 0800 023 4567 (calls are normally free from landlines - charges may apply from mobile phones) or 0300 123 9 123 (calls are charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers from all phones and should form part of any inclusive call package). The Ombudsman’s decision is binding on us, but you can reject it, and doing so will not affect your legal rights.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) which means that you may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if we cannot pay what we owe under this policy. This depends on the type of policy and the circumstances surrounding your claim. You can find out more at www.fscs.org.uk or by calling 020 7741 4100 or 0800 678 1100.
Avon and Brexit
As Avon products were only sold to customers residing in the UK, most of our customers are unaffected by Brexit. This is the case, if you have remained a permanent resident of the UK and have a UK bank account.
If you no longer live in the UK, or you’re thinking of leaving the UK permanently in the near future, your cover may be affected so please contact us.